Evolution of Gaming Wiki

Attack of the B-Team[]

Doublepulse:*whispering* Hello everybody, welcome to the lets play series of *loudly* ATTACK OF THE B-TEAM!
LnDProductions: Wow
Rewas514: My ears. I can't hear shit.
LnDProductions: Even Harry thinks you're lame.
Rewas514: WHAT?!
LnDProductions: I said "Even Harry thinks you're lame."
Rewas514: OOOOH
LnDProductions: WHAT?!
Rewas514: WHAT?!
LnDProductions: Anyways, guys
Rewas514: WHAT?!

Episode 31: We're Doing The Moon Doublepulse LnDProductions Rewas514

Welcome everybody to Attack of the B-Team. My name is Doublepulse and I'm going to be your Sam education. Today I am your professor and I'm going to teach you guys how to make a sandwich. The first thing you're gonna need to do is put your meat in between your buns, but don't forget the condiments okay guys? Now, take the blade and make a sign motion, but be careful because all of mayonnaise gonna get everywhere, kids.

Episode 33: Enhanced Portals Doublepulse